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June 27, 2011
Marie Antoinette ~ Pattern
Paper Pattern ~ Marie Antoinette Dress (period c. 1770 - 1780)
~ Paper Pattern in two popular 18" Dolls Sizes ~ for American Girl Dolls & for the slim Carpatina Dolls ~
Make it yourself using this professionally made paper pattern including photos and instructions for making the dress and suit ensemble pictured above in a variation of materials.
PAT008 ~ Marie Antoinette Dress and Neck ruff
Includes: Pattern comes in 2 sizes: for 18" slim Carpatina dolls and for 18" American Girl dolls
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty Princess ~ Outfit Story
Ana Ming stood amid a whirl of colorful people, exotic animals, and gorgeous goods. Transported to the glories of the Yuan Dynasty in China, she now soaked in the delights of the capital's city vast marketplace.
In the midst of the din, Ana Ming was startled to hear a European voice. She turned to take in an older man wrapped in a traveling cloak."Yes, it would indeed be an honor to meet Kublai Khan," he was saying to his younger companion. "However, with our translator gone, we have little hope of doing business with the great Emperor. And where else can we hope to find someone who speaks both the language of Ta-tu and Venice?" He paused and then asked, "Do you have any ideas, my son?"
Ana Ming smiled to herself. Thanks to her magical moonstone, she instantly understood any tongue when she ventured into the past.
She stepped forward. In the Venetians' language, she said, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?"
Once over their astonishment, the Venetians gladly accepted her offer. And Ana Ming was glad to make it. Not only would she be helping these strangers, she was going to meet the famous Kublai Khan!
But one more surprise awaited. Bowing to Ana Ming, the younger man expressed his thanks again. "You are too gracious, my lady. You shall ever have my gratitude. When I return to my country, I shall tell people how a lovely maiden assisted the humble traveler, Marco Polo."
Yuan Dynasty Princess Outfit Includes: brocade coat, brocade skirt, shoes, hair comb
Available at CARPATINA
Ana Ming doll available HERE.
Ana Ming stood amid a whirl of colorful people, exotic animals, and gorgeous goods. Transported to the glories of the Yuan Dynasty in China, she now soaked in the delights of the capital's city vast marketplace.
In the midst of the din, Ana Ming was startled to hear a European voice. She turned to take in an older man wrapped in a traveling cloak."Yes, it would indeed be an honor to meet Kublai Khan," he was saying to his younger companion. "However, with our translator gone, we have little hope of doing business with the great Emperor. And where else can we hope to find someone who speaks both the language of Ta-tu and Venice?" He paused and then asked, "Do you have any ideas, my son?"
Ana Ming smiled to herself. Thanks to her magical moonstone, she instantly understood any tongue when she ventured into the past.
She stepped forward. In the Venetians' language, she said, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?"
Once over their astonishment, the Venetians gladly accepted her offer. And Ana Ming was glad to make it. Not only would she be helping these strangers, she was going to meet the famous Kublai Khan!
But one more surprise awaited. Bowing to Ana Ming, the younger man expressed his thanks again. "You are too gracious, my lady. You shall ever have my gratitude. When I return to my country, I shall tell people how a lovely maiden assisted the humble traveler, Marco Polo."
Yuan Dynasty Princess Outfit Includes: brocade coat, brocade skirt, shoes, hair comb
Available at CARPATINA
Ana Ming doll available HERE.
Qing Dynasty
Qing Dynasty ~ Outfit Story
“The Star-Crossed Lovers,” the servant read. Ana Ming sighed as her maid told the story of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, lovers doomed to separate lives. Even as she listened, Ana Ming gazed into the garden. For there another strange tale was unfolding-between her father and the foreigner.
Such a contrast they were. Her father with his long queue and Manchu robes, the British merchant with his black beard and crisp suit. Yet they spoke a common language: Chinese silk for British cotton.
Now the men bowed. “It is a pleasure doing business with you,” the Englishman said. “When I return next year…” Then he caught sight of Ana Ming and his words died away. Robed in a shimmering golden brocade dress, topped by an exquisitely trimmed jacket, she was the loveliest of all flowers in this loveliest of gardens.
For one long moment they shared each other's gaze. Then Ana Ming raised her fan and retreated into the shadows.
“And so the lovers were separated for all time,” her maid continued. “Except for once a year, when the Milky Way reunites them.” In a whisper, Ana Ming echoed, “ 'When I return next year…' ”"
Qing Dynasty Outfit Includes: brocade dress, vest, shoes, head piece, fan
Outfit Available at CARPATINA
Ana Ming Dolls available HERE.
“The Star-Crossed Lovers,” the servant read. Ana Ming sighed as her maid told the story of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, lovers doomed to separate lives. Even as she listened, Ana Ming gazed into the garden. For there another strange tale was unfolding-between her father and the foreigner.
Such a contrast they were. Her father with his long queue and Manchu robes, the British merchant with his black beard and crisp suit. Yet they spoke a common language: Chinese silk for British cotton.
Now the men bowed. “It is a pleasure doing business with you,” the Englishman said. “When I return next year…” Then he caught sight of Ana Ming and his words died away. Robed in a shimmering golden brocade dress, topped by an exquisitely trimmed jacket, she was the loveliest of all flowers in this loveliest of gardens.
For one long moment they shared each other's gaze. Then Ana Ming raised her fan and retreated into the shadows.
“And so the lovers were separated for all time,” her maid continued. “Except for once a year, when the Milky Way reunites them.” In a whisper, Ana Ming echoed, “ 'When I return next year…' ”"
Qing Dynasty Outfit Includes: brocade dress, vest, shoes, head piece, fan
Outfit Available at CARPATINA
Ana Ming Dolls available HERE.
June 20, 2011
June 17, 2011
Grand Duchess - Story
“The most beautiful woman in all of Europe: Grand Princess Elizabeth.”
Emma ignored the whispers about her. Standing in the door, she searched the crowded room. Snow glazed her white fur hat and trimmed bell sleeves. With rare nervousness, she smoothed her royal blue coat and straightened the gold embroidered frogs. Then, with a shake of her burgundy skirt, she swept across the room.
She stopped before one man who had never taken his eyes from her. “Sergei, my father asked my thoughts on your marriage proposal,” she announced.
He bowed his head. “Dare I hope when you have rejected half the princes in Europe?”
“I will tell you what I said. I remember visiting the orphanage with my mother when I was a girl-to give the children treats. A boy came with us-the Emperor's son. He was quiet…so quiet that I almost forget him. But then as we were leaving, I saw him with two little ones. Giving them the sweets his own mother had given him.”
Sergei smiled. “How they loved it!”
Emma leaned forward and clasped his hand. “And that was the day I first began loving you.”
Grand Duchess Outfit
Includes: Long brocade Skirt, Hussar Jacket, Fur Hat and Red leather Boots
This outfit is inspired by the Grand Princess Elizabeth
Grand Princess Elizaveta Fyodorovna was the second child in the family of Grand count Guessen of Darmshtadt, Louis IV and princess Alice, a daughter of England’s Queen Victoria. Another daughter of this couple — Alice — later became the Empress of Russia Alexandra Fyodorovna.
The children were brought up in the spirit of Old England — their life was scheduled strictly according to their mother’s timetable. Their food and clothes were very simple. The elder daughters performed household chores: tidying up rooms and beds, and making fires in the fireplace. Later Elizaveta Fyodorovna would say, "I learned everything I know at home." Their mother carefully supervised the development of each child’s talents and aptitudes. She tried to raise them on the basis of Christian commandments and to bring them up in the spirit of love of fellow man to people.
Elizaveta Fyodorovna’s parents spent a major part of their wealth on charity. The children often visited hospitals, orphanages and homes for the disabled. They would bring big bouquets of flowers and put them into vases in the wards. Since childhood, Elizaveta loved nature, especially flowers, which she liked to draw very much. She had an artistic talent and devoted a lot of time to drawing. She liked classical music too.
All those who knew Elizaveta from childhood noted her love for people. According to what Elizaveta herself said later, her life from the very young years was greatly influenced by the life and deeds of Elizabeth of Turing, one of her ancestors, after whom Elizaveta was named.
At the age of 20 princess Elizaveta was betrothed to grand prince Sergei Alexandrovich, the fifth son of the Emperor Alexander II, who was a brother of the Emperor Alexander III. She met her future husband while they were children, when he visited Germany with his mother — Empress Maria Alexandrovna, also a descendant of the Gessen lineage. Before that she had turned down the proposals of all other suitors.
The whole family was seeing Princess Elizaveta off to Russia to her wedding. Her 12-year-old sister Alice accompanied her, and there in Russia she met her would-be husband, young prince Nicholas Alexandrovich.
The wedding took place in the church of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The grand princess studied the Russian language with persistence, wishing to learn more about the culture and especially the faith of her new homeland. Grand princess Elizaveta was a dazzling beauty. In those times the Europeans would say, "There are only two beauties in Europe, both are called Elizaveta: Elizaveta of Austria, wife of the Emperor Franz-Joseph, and Elizaveta Feodorovna. In 1884 Grand Prince Constantine Constantinovich Romanov wrote a poem devoted to her:
I look at you and I enjoy it ever
You are so beautiful, no words can tell!
Oh! I am sure that such beauty hosts
A soul that is wonderful as well.
The depth of modesty and quiet sorrow
Is in your eyes of beauty so pure
You are as calm and quiet as an angel;
And as a lady, gentle and demure.
Amidst the many earthly sins and evils
Let nothing blur the pure soul of thine,
And let us all sing praises to Creator
Who gave such beauty to a soul divine!
C. R.
Most of the year the Grand Duchess lived with her spouse in their Iliynkoye estate sixty kilometers from Moscow, on the bank of Moscow River. She loved Moscow with its ancient temples, monasteries and partriachal way of life.
Muscovites quickly noticed and appreciated the charitable kindness of the Grand Princess. She visited hospitals for the poor, institutions and orphanages. Everywhere she tried to alleviate people’s sufferings: she brought food, clothing, money; she tried to better the life conditions of the destitute. After her father’s death she went on a voyage along the Volga, making stops at such towns as Yaroslavl, Rostov, and Uglich.
When the war between Russia and Japan started, Elizaveta Fyodorovna immediately began organizing help for the front. One of her wonderful initiatives was the organization of shops producing things needed by soldiers; all the big rooms and chambers of the Kremlin palace, except the Throne assembly room, were occupied by thousands of women sewing things and making other goods for the front. Large amounts of charity donations were delivered to the front from Moscow and provinces. Big containers with goods, livery, medicines, and presents for soldiers were being forwarded from Moscow to the frontlines.
On the (18th of February 1905, Sergei Alexandrovich was killed with a bomb set by terrorist Ivan Kaliaev. When Elizaveta Fyodorovna arrived at the site of the explosion, there was already a crowd of people there. Someone tried to prevent her from coming close to her husband’s remains, but with her own hands she picked up the parts of his body torn asunder by the explosion and put them onto the stretchers. After the first funeral services at the Chudov monastery, she returned to the palace, changed into black mourning dress.
On the 10th of February, 1909 the Grand Duchess took off her mourning dress, and put on the cloak of Christ’s nurse of love and mercy. Having gathered seventeen nuns of the monastery which she founded, she said, "I am leaving the glamourous world in which I had a glamorous position, but together with you I am ascending to a higher world — the world of the poor and the suffering."
An excerpt from the book "Holy Martyr of Russia, Grand Princess Elizaveta Fyodorovna" written by Liubov Miller in Australia.
Translated from Russian by Irina Nabatova-Barrett
Guinevere Outfit
“Choose,” commanded the wizard Merlin, wrapped in his starry cloak. “Choose the gift you most desire, Lady Guinevere.”
Emma surveyed the gifts in front of her, each presented by a handsome servant. Stranger though she was to this time and place, and playing Guinevere’s role for the first time, she still knew that this was a test. Depending on the gift she chose, old Merlin would judge whether she was a bride worthy of King Arthur.
Emma passed down the row of gifts once more. The long train of her green linen gown skimmed a ruby-studded chest. A carved ivory mirror briefly caught the flash of gold embroidery and velvet and rhinestone trim of her dress. Her delicately laced slippers slid over a soft, silver-threaded carpet.
But Emma didn’t pause until she reached a servant bearing a simple but exquisite gold and diamond circlet. “This is my choice,” she announced.
The servant before her bowed, then raised the crown to Emma’s head.
But as he withdrew his hand, Emma caught it. For a long moment she looked deep into his eyes, then dropped a curtsey. “This is my choice, lords,” she declared. “The one who carries the crown.”
The servant threw aside his cloak to reveal a king’s garments. Beaming joyfully at the wizard, he announced, “I’d say my bride has found me, Merlin.”
Emma smiled. “Perhaps, Arthur. Or perhaps it’s love that’s truly found us both.”
Guinevere Outfit
Includes dress, matching shoes and crown
Emma's Story
Guinevere, Queen Elizabeth, Maid Marion, Juliet. Emma is fascinated by these famous women of history and legends. With wit, bravery, compassion and beauty, they commanded extraordinary love and loyalty.
Emma is able to step into the shoes of the woman she admires thanks to a magical jewel—a gift from her great-aunt. Like her cousins, Julia and Isabella, she now explores the worlds she once only read about.
Emma’s impetuous spirit and great determination sparkle in her vibrant green eyes. With her glossy red hair and rosy complexion, she has a beauty that is as distinctive and timeless as any of her heroines. Emma’s crepe dress, in soft green and adorned with roses, is classically graceful. Like the women of legends, she lends a royal bearing to whatever gown—and role—she wears.
Emma doll was retired in 2010.
Some outfits from her collection are still available at Carpatina Dolls
June 15, 2011
Isabella's Story
Magical forests, fairy kingdoms and fantasy lands. Those worlds of beauty, where legends and myths are everyday but never common things, always entranced Isabella.
Now, thanks to a wondrous jewel bequeathed to her by a great-aunt, she is able to actually journey into those realms. Like her cousin Julia, Isabella must only wish the world into being to make it real.
Memories of those experiences linger in Isabella’s dreamy blue eyes and gentle smile. The sun of a fairy summer has silvered her long blonde hair and brought a pink blush to her cheeks. Her clothing is elegant simplicity. She wears a flowing blue silken dress, dotted with lace daisies, and blue, ribbon-trimmed shoes. As Isabella has discovered, a secret world of magic often lies behind quiet beauty.
Isabella has been retired in 2010
Some outfits from her collection can still be viewed at Carpatina Dolls Shop
Julia's Story
The Middle Ages, the Renaissance and that lovely mythic era that fairy tales describe. Those are the ages that fascinate Julia. She dreams of brave knights, fair ladies, lordly monarchs and mysterious advisors—with perhaps a dragon or two—who inhabit a time that’s never been and has always been.
Following in the footsteps of her great-aunt, Julia now explores the times and places of her dreams. Aunt Cordelia willed both Julia and Isabella, Julia’s cousin, jeweled necklaces. The gem, along with a deep and true wish, is enough to transport the wearer to where she longs to be.
Julia is never long from setting out on her next quest. Lively brown eyes and a glowing complexion reveal her imaginative mind and venturesome spirit. Too impatient to dress her hair, she lets it flow down her back in long chestnut waves. Her clothing is charmingly simple too. A knee-length crepe dress, trimmed with delicate roses, and ribboned slippers suit her perfectly. But for tomorrow’s adventure, who knows?
More About Julia
Slim-bodied and made of high-quality vinyl, Julia stands 18” tall. Her hair is designed for easy care and restyling. With open-close eyes and movable arms and legs, she’s perfect for displays or play.
Julia is available for purchase at carpatina.com
More Details
June 04, 2011
Featured Pattern 18" Dolls Tudor Dress (period c. 1540's)
We always hope to offer an unique pattern for your favorite 18" doll. This is one of my favorites - Tudor period dress and French hood. As usual, this Paper Pattern includes all components in two popular 18" Dolls Sizes ~ for American Girl Dolls & for the slim Carpatina Dolls.
Looking forward to seeing some of the outfit you create using this new pattern - Details HERE.
Looking forward to seeing some of the outfit you create using this new pattern - Details HERE.
June 01, 2011
Carpatina History
Julia, Ana Ming and Veronika have all inherited magical moonstones from their aunt Cordelia. Moonstones are typically associated with good luck and are said to enable a person to see into the future. Cordelia’s moonstones are even more powerful taking the wearer to wherever she wishes.
The fun and adventures that the three cousins had experienced with the help of the moonstones are summed under the Fantasy Adventures collection of dolls and costumes.
Best friends Kohanna, Zoe and Erin as well as Ana’s brother, Adam, and his best friend Carter are joining in the fun and adventure.
From visiting Medieval and Renaissance palaces of Europe or traveling through China’s and Japan’s dynasties or attending a tea party in the Victorian and Edwardian style, the exquisite costumes of those eras are recreated and presented within each doll’s collection.
These magical moonstones are the essence of the Carpatina girls’ story. Here is the complete history of how aunt Cordelia came into the possession of The Moonstone which later was reset into the necklaces for the girls.
The Moonstone Story:
Cordelia stood at the foot of the tower, staring up in wonder. The building soared hundreds of feet overhead, its smooth silvery surface ornamented by windows shaped like half moons. Above the door, an inscription glowed in the moonlight: "True beauty must be shared."

"My name is Ahmal. I am keeper of this tower."
"It is very beautiful," Cordelia remarked. "And very curious. Though I've been a visitor here for several weeks, I never noticed this tower until tonight. Yet it raises above all the buildings within blocks."
"The Tower of the Moon is not a place easily found," agreed Ahmal. "At least not until the time is right. But now that you are here, will you step inside? There is no better time to see the tower than by full moonlight."
Later, Cordelia never could say how much time passed once she entered the tower. Wandering from room to room, taking in the glorious carvings, paintings, rugs, and tapestries, she lost herself among the treasures.
Finally they reached the top room of the tower. Ahmal gestured for her to enter. "And here, my lady, is our greatest prize."
The room seemed to be entirely bare-save for a single waist-high column that glowed with an eerie light. Stepping closer, Cordelia saw that a gigantic stone was buried in the column top. "It's a moonstone!" she gasped. "The largest I've ever seen!"
Ahmal nodded. "Yes. The largest in the world." He studied her for a moment, then added. "To every visitor, I have made this offer. Now I make it to you: If you can take the moonstone, it is yours."
Cordelia stared at her guide. "But even if I wanted to, how could I? The moonstone appears sealed into this column. And the column looks as if it's carved from the very floor."
"The how is up to you," Ahmal replied. "But I assure you, the destiny of this moonstone is to be used. Touch it. You will see it is not a gem merely to be admired." Cordelia stretched out her hand and caressed the stone's smooth surface. Instantly her mind surged with strange images. Foreign voices, unknown landscapes, exotic smells. The rush of sensations nearly overwhelmed her.
Even as that experience faded, a new one swept over Cordelia. Three young faces appeared before her, three lovely, bright, and eager faces. Cordelia saw them setting off on wonderful, utterly impossible adventures, each wearing about her neck
Cordelia stepped back with a gasp. And as she did, her eyes fell on a niche in the wall, where lay a chisel and hammer.
Ahmal followed her gaze. "So you see all."
Cordelia understood in a moment what was to be done. "How could I?" she protested. "The moonstone is so beautiful!"
"Did you not see something equal as beautiful?"
The image of the three young faces returned to Cordelia. Yet still she hesitated.
"Remember the inscription above the tower's entrance," Ahmal gently prompted. "True beauty must be shared."
The three faces returned again. Cordelia reached for the chisel and hammer. With one determined blow, she struck.
At once the moonstone shattered into three equal pieces, jumping from their base in the column. And as Cordelia scooped the fragments into her hands, each grew into a perfectly oval moonstone.
"For 500 years, the moonstone has been waiting for someone who believed in her own vision." Ahmal told her. "Believed in sharing it with others and not greedily trying to keep all for herself. Now let me share with you the marvels of your prize"
Later that night, as Cordelia set off for her hotel, she turned once to bid the tower goodbye. But where the gleaming tower once stood, there was now only moonlit sky. Next day, the hotel clerk would have sworn Lady Cordelia never left her room. Yet a citizen of ancient Babylon might have described a lovely woman strikingly similar to her. A woman paused at a stall to buy three necklace cords for three remarkable moonstones.
We offer a version of this necklace in both doll and girl sizes at our website: carpatina.com
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